Jinko Solar

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Installing solar since 2006

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4.53 from 111 Reviews

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SolarReviews Expert Rating Score:

A score we give a solar company out of 100 based on 0 criteria that our SolarReviews industry experts believe are the best criteria to separate good and bad solar companies.


Expert review

Jinko Solar is currently the world’s biggest solar manufacturer. They shipped 18.8 GW of solar panels in 2020, outstripping its nearest competitors by a significant margin.

The company does most of its global manufacturing in China, but it also has a large (400MW) factory in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jinko Solar has been ranked as a top performer on the solar panel reliability scorecard by Berkeley-based PVEL. Jinko is one of just two brands (the other is Trina Solar) to win this honor every year from 2014 through 2020, which is a testament to the company’s consistently high manufacturing standards.

In terms of performance, their panels lag slightly behind premium brands like SunPower and LG Solar in terms of both panel efficiency and temperature coefficient. However, Jinko Solar's panels are also much cheaper, making them an attractive option for those seeking value for their money without compromising on quality of brand bankability.

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About Jinko Solar

As a leading vertically integrated supplier of ingots, wafers, solar cells and solar modules, JinkoSolar has developed into one the world’ s most successful and reliable producers of crystalline solar PV modules. Our full control over the production chain allows us to guarantee the highest quality for our products and a much more efficient cost structure. With these competitive advantages, we are able to pass benefits on to our customers around the world.

Office locations


California - San Francisco

343 Sansome Street Suite 975, San Francisco CA, 94104

California - SF

595 Market St, SF CA, 94105

Contact Jinko Solar

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Head Office
343 Sansome Street Suite 975, San Francisco CA, 94104